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Presentations from Club Meetings

On this page you will find information ragarding the presentations that are shown at monthly club meetings.


January :: Don KE9XB - CW Keyers
February :: Matt WD7N - AREDN Networks.
March :: Paul KA5PMV - Feedlines
May :: Paul KA5PMV - Simple HF Antennas
June :: Paul KA5PMV - Understanding Prop Forecasts
August :: Don KE9XB - DIY portable power tool battery box for Ham radio


January :: Don KE9XB - Winter Field Day
February :: Matt WD7N - Ribbit, a distributed digital messaging platform with local redundnancy to enhance VHF/UHF communications in regular and emergency situations.
March :: Paul KA5PMV - Kiteanna, Antenna supported by a Kite. Inspiration from Ham Radio Kite Antenna for POTA
September :: Paul KA5PMV - Helpful Ham Websites


February :: Don KE9XB - Digital Radios
March :: Gary Reed, RF Engineer, from KRJH Channel 2 in Tulsa presented on television broadcasting equipment and tower work on the 1,800 feet tower near Coweta.
May :: Don KE9XB - Dropping Safety, tools inspection, additional safety related items.
June :: Don KE9XB - Generators
August :: Don KE9XB - GMRS
November :: Paul KA5PMV - Keep Calm and POTA On
December :: Don KE9XB - Digital Modes


May :: Don KE9XB - New RF Safety Rules


May :: 2 Meter Backpack Quad Antenna
June :: Emergency Responder Training


May :: IRLP & EchoLink