Wednesday Nite Net Script QST QST QST Good evening everyone and welcome to the BARC Wednesday Night Information and Swap net. This is (your call sign) I will be your net control this evening. My name is (your name) (spell phonetically). My call sign is (your call sign) (spell phonetically). This net is sponsored on behalf of the Bartlesville Amateur Radio Club using the club repeater 146.655. There is a PL tone of 88.5 Hz required with this repeater. This net is held each week at 8:00 PM on this frequency and all licensed hams are invited to check in and participate. If you would like to know more about our Club please visit our web site You do not have to be a member of this club or any other club to participate in this net, we welcome any and all check ins. (Let the repeater reset) Do we have any emergency or routine traffic for the net? Any station with emergency traffic please use the words "priority" or "emergency" followed by your call sign to interrupt our net and we will stop the net and handle your traffic immediately. (Let the repeater reset) If you have announcements for the net please wait until Net control calls for announcements later in the net. (Let the repeater reset) If you have a trivia question for the net introduce it now... At this time, we will call for club officers. If you are a BARC club officer or director please call... (your call sign). (run the list... ask each check in for comments... run a couple of calls) We will now call for mobile, portable, or short time stations. Please call (your call sign) (run the list... ask each check in for comments) (may require asking for check ins several times before going on) ANNOUNCEMENTS... From Net Control and others who may have something to announce. (Let the repeater reset) We will now call for any and all check in.s. All stations wishing to check in please call (your call sign) (run the list may take several calls... ask each check in for comments remember to ask each check in for comments... encourage them to talk about their activities. (count only is an exception... just clarify check in only) Always thank each participant for participation!! Will probably take several calls to cover all the check-ins) Closing the Net This will be the last and final call for check-ins for the Wednesday nite BARC net. Any last minute check-ins please call (your call sign) (run last list... ask each check in for comments) I appreciate each and every one of you taking time to check in and visit with us tonight. If you would like to know more about our Club please take time to visit our Website I look forward to the next time we can be your net control host. I will now return the repeater to regular amateur use. 73 everyone... I hope to see you next week. (your call sign)