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Club Info

Monthly BARC Meeting

Our monthly club meeting is conducted on the first Thursday of every month @ 7pm at the public library in downtown Bartlesville. Meetings are open to the public you do not need to be a member to attend.

Wednesday Night Information and Swap Net

Held every Wednesday night @ 8pm on our main repeater 146.655MHz. All licensed hams are welcome!
Our Emergency preparedness net is held the 1st Sunday of the month, for more details, visit our Nets page.

Saturday Breakfast

We meet every Saturday morning around 7:30am and ordering breakfast by 8am at Midway Cafe 641 SE Washington Blvd, Bartlesville, OK. You do not have to be a member of our club to participate.

BARC Mailing Address

Bartlesville Amateur Radio Club, P.O Box 883, Bartlesville, OK 74005-0883

BARC Administration

President: Steve Stephens -- N5UG
Vice President: Paul Reedy -- KA5PMV
Secretary: Mark Cragun -- KD5FZL
Treasurer: Don Poquette -- KE9XB
Historian: Glen Stockton -- K5UP
Webmaster: Paul Reedy -- KA5PMV

Board of Directors

Bobby LeMaster -- KI5OJX
Wes Courtney -– N5KWK

Club Repeaters

The BARC hosts two VHF repeaters and one UHF repeater for our area hams. We also have access to the TARC UHF link system W5IAS in Tulsa, to report weather conditions back to the National Weather Service office in Tulsa, Oklahoma.

W5NS Main VHF Repeater: 146.655 :: -0.6MHz Offset :: PL 88.5
- On-Line: EchoLink Node W5NS-R 551343 , Prefix code *

W5NS Secondary VHF Repeater - Fusion Analog/Digital: 146.760 :: -0.6MHz Offset :: PL 88.5
- On-Line: WIRES-X :: Access to WIRES-X

W5NS UHF Repeater: 444.775 :: +5MHz Offset :: Standalone repeater with no access to the internet
- MMDVM Supporting:
  - FM :: PL 88.5
  - DMR :: Time Slot 1 & 2, Color Code 1, Preferred Local Talkgroup 9
  - P25 :: Network ID: 293, Preferred Local Talkgroup 9999
  - Fusion

W5NS BRTLVL APRS Digipeater: 144.390

Club Call Sign: W5NS
Repeater Trustee: Don Poquette -- KE9XB

Other Local Repeaters

W5IAS Link System: 444.425 :: +5MHz Offset :: PL 88.5
W5RAB 220 MHz: 224.260 :: -1.6MHz Offset :: PL 88.5
W5RAB 440 MHz - Digital/MOTOTRBO: 442.1875 :: +5MHz Offset :: Color Code 1
W5RAB 440 MHz - Digital/MOTOTRBO: 444.4750 :: +5MHz Offset :: Color Code 2
W5RAB 900 MHz: 927.650 :: -25MHz Offset :: DPL/DCS 074
KF5FWE 440 MHz - Dual Mode Analog/Digital NXDN - Wires X: 442.275 :: +5MHz Offset :: PL 100.0 :: Ran Code 1 6.25KHz NFM
KANOK System Bartlesville: 443.125 :: +5MHz :: PL 88.5
KD5IMA: 145.150 :: -0.6 MHz :: PL 88.5
